industry // manufacturing

Every corporation has gone global. For several Fortune 2000 companies, more than 50% of the revenue and profits are contributed by the global market place. Hence the impact of IT is also global. Every application has to support global operations. The leadership team needs the data at their fingertip on demand to manage complex global organizations and also street expectation.

Technology, compliance, concept to market lead time, changing customer expectation, quality, localization of products, everything contributes to the top and bottom line. How do these large corporations differentiate from the competition? No business solution can be implemented without the help of matching IT solution. Hence collaborative and integrated global IT solutions are inevitable.


Today's challenges: 

  • Reducing the concept to market lead time
  • Lean mean infrastructure/organization
  • Parts reusability and standardization
  • Keep the winning product and kill the money losers
  • Demand visibility across the organization and supply chain.
  • Supply chain visibility across the organization and demand chain
  • Product costing, budgeting and tracking actual
  • Online procurement, just in time inventory
  • Order to delivery (OTD) to reduce inventory carrying cost at dealer lots
  • OTD v/s just in time procurement
  • Improve the quality and reduce the warranty cost
  • Government compliance for emission, fuel efficiency/mileage
  • Vehicle safety
  • Gain market share by selling quality, stylist products of customer choice
  • Vendor consolidation and cost effective procurement
  • Enterprise wide, collaborative, integrated tools and technology to support a globally efficient operation
  • On demand availability of business data, reports and intelligence for making quick and timely decisions


 iknowvate's functional expertise: 

  • Dealer and customer facing (CRM/DRM) processes & applications
  • Supplier facing (SRM/SCM) processes & applications
  • Design, Engineering, Detailing and Manufacturing (PLM) processes & applications
  • Enterprise Resource Planning and Management (Men, Money, Material, Machinery, Movement, Measurement-HR/Finance/MRP/Procurement/OP/Controls) processes & applications
  • After sales warrantees and services


 Application Expertise 

  • Web Commerce
  • Product Lifecycle Management
  • Business Intelligence
  • Embedded Control Systems SW development
  • Enterprise Application Integration