
Venkat Mallya“50 Companies to Watch” is an awards program celebrating second-stage entrepreneurs in association with the Edward Lowe Foundation. In Mrs. Darlene Lowes words “To champion the entrepreneurial spirit”. Governor Jennifer M. Granholm said “it’s important not only to recognize these companies, but also to understand their contributions to Michigan economy with over $500m in combined revenues and over 2500 jobs”.

iknowvate was one such 50 unique companies recognized in 2006, who mattered the most to Michigan.


Venkat MallyaThe Future 50 award is sponsored by the Detroit Regional Chamber of Commerce and honors fast-paced emerging businesses in the Detroit area. The award is based on exceptional performance in revenue and job growth."

The company was chosen based on economic impact on the economy of Southeast Michigan through growth in employment, investments, community enhancement, revenues and acquisitions – the key ingredients of a successful business and the building blocks of a strong regional economy.

The Future 50 competition, now in its 10th year, is sponsored by BDO Seidman LLP, the Detroit Regional Chamber, Smith Barney/Citigroup Global Markets Inc. and WWJ Newsradio 950.